Setting up your Meditation

1. Find a quiet, peaceful space

 Find an area where you can be alone and uninterrupted. This can be in your home or outside, as long as it feels calm and quiet to you. 

2. Setting a time limit

I found it quite handy to pick a guided meditation that suited the time frame I set aside for meditation.  

3. Get comfy

Do what is necessary to get comfortable for the time period you are preparing to meditate for. I use the time shortly after my yoga practice to sit on my yoga mat for my meditation. The most common meditation position is either kneeling or sitting with your legs crossed, back straight, and hands resting gently on your lap. Use whichever position is most comfortable for you. This is the recommended position as it opens your heart and airways and lets your lower body relax.

The important thing here is to just be comfortable. If that means laying down or sitting in your favourite chair DO IT. 

I found personally lying down my favourite position for meditation but I use a seated position so as to stay present. It's easy to drift off when you're lying down. 

4. Close your eyes and begin deepening your breath

Focus on your breathing for a bit. For deepening your breath try inhaling for a count of 6, holding for a count of 2, and exhaling for 6. Giving your mind this simple task to focus on will help clear your head. If you don't want to count, I know the Fitbit Charge range and above has a pulse count for this practice. During this time, take the time to connect with your body and surroundings before your mind starts to wander.

5. Let the wandering begin!

Inevitably your attention will leave your breath and surroundings and begin to wander. Follow your thoughts without judgement. At the end of your set meditation period, come back to your breath and surrounding noises. When you are ready, open your eyes and notice the shift in your thoughts and how you feel.

6. Set a routine

Setting a routine is a great way to become more comfortable with practising meditation and secondly with calming down an overactive mind. Meditating first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed is easiest. I found the meditation at the beginning of my day a great way to organise my thoughts and set the most important tasks for that day. 

Ps: If you have not signed up for our free 5-day arm or leg mobility challenge or 3 -day wheelchair shoulder mobility challenge and would like to do so now, click on the link below and sign up to do it at a time of your choosing. 

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