What is mindfulness? What Is it to be mindful?

Wikipedia has the meaning of mindfulness as “Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which one can develop through the practice of meditation and through other training.”

Can you truly say your full attention is in the present moment? As you read this are you thinking of what you still need to do or thinking about something that happened today? Maybe it’s time you and your mind took some time to deal with the thoughts running through your head.

▸If you need something to get you started, why not try the Headspace app? 

▸There are also great podcasts like "Mindful in Minutes" and "Hay House Meditations" which are useful guides and you can plan the length of your sessions from 3minutes to 30minutes. I use Spotify to access podcasts but there are many different ways and apps to access these podcasts. 

It’s free, and I’ve found the guided meditations pretty helpful in starting my meditation practice. 

Ps: If you have not signed up for our free 5-day arm or leg mobility challenge or 3 -day wheelchair shoulder mobility challenge and would like to do so now, click on the link below and sign up to do it at a time of your choosing. 

Free Arm Mobility Challenge

Free Leg Mobility Challenge

Free Shoulder Mobility Challenge for Wheelchair User's