I started 2019 thinking it time to #eatclean for once. But instead of going into extremes, I decided its way better to start new habits. The first habit I started was to get into the habit of alkalining my system in the morning. 

It’s not a modern habit, as you’ll find it in Ayurvedic practices too. Starting your day with warm lemon water is great for balancing the ph of our blood, in addition to flushing unnecessary toxins from your system. Some add honey for nicer taste and in some cases antibacterial properties. Other recipes include adding Apple cider vinegar and Cayenne pepper. Either way choose a recipe that works for you. The taste of this morning tonic also changes as you get use to the idea of having lemon water in the morning. 


This is the recipe I've been using:

Morning Lemon Tonic

▸½ Lemon juice

▸1 cup of hot water

▸1 tbsp Apple Cider vinegar

▸1-2 sprinkles of Cayenne Pepper

▸Sweetener to taste (if needed)

*Apple Cider Vinegar has Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal benefits

▸Helps body fight infections

▸Help with good gut health bacteria


▸Great for balancing blood pH levels

***Blood pH Level

We want our bodies to be alkaline, when our bodies are more acidic this is linked to a state of inflammation. Some acidic products include dairy and animal protein.


Other than flushing out toxins as said earlier. The most interesting side  to starting this practice was that it actually helped me with my sinus. I found my airways clearer after taking my morning tonic as opposed to starting my day with a coffee. I’ve suffered from sinus problems since turning 30 almost five years ago. And this has helped me tremendously, I find myself not having to reach for allergy tablets as often anymore. 

Let me know if this helps you??

Ps: If you have not signed up for our free 5-day arm or leg mobility challenge or 3 -day wheelchair shoulder mobility challenge and would like to do so now, click on the link below and sign up to do it at a time of your choosing. 

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