My truth about my mind

Mindfulness...where do you begin. That’s the first thing I asked when looking into it. Generally, meditation/mindfulness is sitting with your thoughts, taking time away and just calming your mind. It’s not about stopping your thoughts or how you feel about certain situations (like the guy that just cut you off in traffic or the person who just took your seat). It’s about distancing yourself from these thoughts and emotions and getting a different perspective on things. 

This is how I quiet my mind. It’s not about not thinking. It’s about not obsessing about one problem, or something that’s upset you. Look at these events from a place of calm, from a different perspective; and you might find that you’re okay with what has passed. 

This gives you the headspace to think about more important things (creating a game plan for your day) or If you have a very busy day, maybe it’s just refreshing to find your calm mind space and relax for a bit before you start your day...or at the end of it. More importantly, this practice allows you to truly focus on one thing at a time without your mind wandering onto other topics...

You ready to give it a shot? 

Ps: If you have not signed up for our free 5-day arm or leg mobility challenge or 3 -day wheelchair shoulder mobility challenge and would like to do so now, click on the link below and sign up to do it at a time of your choosing. 

Free Arm Mobility Challenge

Free Leg Mobility Challenge

Free Shoulder Mobility Challenge for Wheelchair User's