I have heard so many clients tell me this lately.... 

It ok, I won't start online physio now, I know lockdown won't be much longer and that they will wait for clinics to open again! 

I get it, you are not sure what you want to do or what you have to focus on right now, 

You may also feel overwhelmed because it's just all too much. I get that too! 

You may be thinking, I've already waited 8 weeks, it's too late to start now, I hear you! You may be thinking, online zoom session can't possibly help me, I understand that too. 

Here is the reality of what is happening. This is our 8th week in lockdown. 

This week, we have just found out we don't know when clinics may be opening again. 

Not even our physiotherapy body group knows or even has guidelines on how to navigate going back yet because it is all unfolding bit by bit. 

So it is going to take time before this happens. This is the long and short of things!

This won't be happening overnight. 

If it's in line with leisure and gyms. Then that could be the 1st July 2020! That's another 7 weeks!

A lot can happen in 7 weeks. The positive thing is that as of the 13th May, we can have unlimited outdoors access daily, which is a game-changer. It feels like there is a lift More people are smiling and engaging in conversations on my daily walks lately and it's lovely to connect. 

But the issue still stands, that somehow we have to find ways for ourselves to stay motivated and building strength so that cumulatively we can come out the other end on the 1st July 2020, as strong as if not stronger than we went into lockdown. 

Take one of my clients, she has gone from strength to strength during lockdown. She has made so much improvement physically that her personal trainer is going to be so shocked why; you ask? 

Because her PT program is going to totally change. Everything she has been working on in physio via zoom, she will now be able to do in her PT program. This is planks, side planks, squats, working on her hands and knees and lifting her leg into the air, and bear squats. 

And whilst to someone else, this may seem like a no brainer, to this client it is huge. 

Because before lockdown, none of this was possible. She was so weak that we could only do cycling and some machine leg strengthening. 

There was no arm work included in her PT programs before because her arm was too weak. So if you look at it like that, then it's huge, right?

Huge; change in my eyes!

Huge progress! 

And kudos to her for saying I want to keep going, can you help me, please? What should I be doing now and can we do it together? This is what showing up for herself looks like

This is what progress is all about!!

And we used zoom video calls and WhatsApp video calls and messenger video call. 

We tried them all and figured out what worked best for her. So this can be easier than you think. We are so lucky that we have multiple options for connecting. That's what makes this easier. 

So, the question I'd like you to ask yourself now is: What would you like to be doing 7 weeks from now, when gyms, physio clinics, salons, and possibly restaurants open again? And where do want to be going and with whom, knowing that it is going to be summertime and lovely outdoors?

Love and blessings 

Natalie x