The Medical Physics Department at Salisbury District Hospital produced the Odstock Drop Foot Stimulator (ODFS). Two small electric pads are placed over nerve supply for lower leg. The foot switcher in a shoe on the other side is targeted by body weight bearing and electric stimulation is delivered into particular muscles. 

Both electrodes and switch foot are connected with wires to the operating unit. For convenience a client may keep it on the belt and pressing the button on or off according needs. 

The improved device with the wireless foot sole is called PACE. The pace system has a training mode feature that allows you to be training your shin muscles whilst you sit and relax to help build endurance in the muscle as well as increase the muscle bulk. 

This system can be purchased privately.  

It works on the same principle but has added more features so we can use it not only for walking but also for training mode. Different mode can be set up to perform a specific functional task like sit to stand or weight bearing with electrical stimulation into particular muscle or muscle groups. 

The exercise mode can be used for certain periods of time to help aid the strengthening of your weaker shin muscle. Your treating specialist Neuro Physiotherapist can help to set up the specific strengthening programmes for you.

A comprehensive FES neuro physio assessment with your treating clinical specialist neuro physio in our clinic will help you determine which device would be most suitable and easiest for your use. 

Arrange your FES assessment or review with us today.

I hope that you have found this information useful. Please feel free to share this post with your friends or someone you know who will benefit from reading this post. 

Remember: It's your time now to take action towards your next mobility goal!